Friday, July 22, 2011

We're Here!!

Bonjour !

We have safely arrived in the City of Light! Besides a mild panic attack at seeing a lightening storm out of my plane window (Bill assured me it was 100 miles away, but I am CERTAIN it was 20 feet away!) and being woken out of my Xanax-induced stupor to exclaim, "We're going to crash!" at the turbulence we had hit, it was a pretty uneventful flight. Tara did nearly tear off Austin's arm when we landed (I can't blame her as our pilot must have been showing how he could land on only his right wheels, and I'm pretty sure the right wings were about 1 cm from the runway). I know this because my eyes were shut the entire time...

We are at our hotel...half of us have rooms and the other half are still waiting. Many of our students have a real sense of accomplishment as Bill and I coached them and they ordered their entire lunch in French. They were VERY excited! We're headed out in 15 minutes to the Louvre, and then off to have our first French dinner. More later...

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, Alors vous l'avez fait en toute sécurité! FANTASTIQUE! Espérons que vous appréciez le temps, comme il est oppressante chaud et humide dans les Etats-Unis! Profitez de votre première journée à Paris! ... Je suis jaloux!
