Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paris: City of Stairs

Bonsoir !
Even though it rained and many of us needed a light sweater to ward off the chill, the students learned very quickly that there is no such thing as a bad day in Paris! Our morning began with a two-hour coach bus tour of much of Paris. Everyone was very excited to finally have a photo op at the Eiffel Tower.  
At the Eiffel Tower
We then explored the Panthéon from crypt to dome. While in the crypt, we all said "bonjour" to the likes of Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Marie & Pierre Curie, and several other dead people the students learned about in history. We then walked up 206 stairs to the dome and one of the best panoramic views Paris has to offer.
View of Paris from the Panthéon
 After a lunch of crêpes we spent a little time shopping, then went off to Montmartre where we saw the Moulin Rouge, then walked up many, many, many more stairs (I am guessing around 132 million or least that's what my jello legs are telling me!) Students enjoyed the view from the Butte de Montmartre and we even saw a double rainbow that ended over Paris, thus proving that Paris IS the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Rainbow Over Paris
Because the 132,000,206 stairs were not enough, we added a few hundred more by climbing to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. We had originally planned to go there tomorrow evening, but then realized that the Tour de France will be ending there around 4:00 PM and decided against it. While it would be a neat experience, it also invites overwhelmingly large crowds and in turn, lots of pickpockets!
Some of the Many Stairs of Paris
Perhaps more importantly, our students learned another valuable lesson about Paris today; the drivers are certifiably insane! In fact, I heard many a seventeen year old exclaim that if they lived in Paris they'd NEVER, if you don't want to buy your child a car, just move to Paris and problem solved! Practical advice, I know.
It is well past my bed time and we have a very important date tomorrow with the Sun King at Versailles! And so I must bid you bonne nuit !


  1. That sounds wonderful!!! I wish i could be there, of course, everyone wishes they could go to Europe. I love the blogging idea, it makes me feel bad about living in Lewisburg. Tell everyone i said 'Ello, will you?? I look forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!!

  2. Ahhh Paris .... Ses semble que vous avez eu une journée très occupée. C'est vraiment la meilleure façon de découvrir Paris .... bien à pied! (En passant, il ya un super petit restaurant à Montmartre avec les meilleurs escargot!) Quelqu'un at-il acheter des œuvres d'art originales là-haut? Il est par exemple une section fascinante de la ville des lumières!
